Billing & Rates

Billing and Rates

You must be 18 or older and have access to a

Major valid credit card

10-minute minimum for all calls

We accept Visa, Master Card & Discover

Also accepting gift cards and pre-paid credit cards with the Visa or MC Logo
Calls are billed through LLDesigns

All phone sessions are sold in blocks of time: unused minutes are non-refundable and non-transferable

Return/Refund Policy:

If you Purchase time with a Model, and she does not supply you with the Call within 2 Business Days LLDesigns/TabooPhoneFuck will issue you a Refund.


We do not accept cancellation on a product, the PSO operator offers to you. If you do not connect with the Model within 15 Mins you may call Customer Service to cancel Your transaction. Note You must complete time. Any remaining time you will forfeit. No exceptions to the Rule!

Rates: Domestic Calls

Single Girl Call ($1.75 per minute
with a 10 min minimum)
  Two Girl Call ($3.75 per minute
with a 10 min minimum)
10 mins $17.50
15 mins $26.25
20 mins $35.00
30 mins $52.50
45 mins $78.75
60 mins $105.00
  10 mins $37.50
15 mins $56.25
20 mins $75.00
30 mins $112.50
45 mins $168.75
60 mins $225.00

Cyber Text

Yes, cybering is available at the rate of $1.25 per minute. When looking for this service, ask the dispatcher what procedures are needed to complete your needs. For this service via the internet with the Lady you wish to Cyber with there is a 10-minute minimum.

Pre-paid calls are available

No Credit Card? No financial privacy? No problem! Pre-payments by money orders are accepted. Or cashier’s Checks.

Include the name of the person you wish to speak with, as well as your name and preferred contact info, so we can acknowledge receipt. This includes an Email or a return Phone Number.

Pre-payments should be sent to the following address:

POB 5024
Glendale, AZ 85302