Taboo Phone Sex And Extreme Fetish Fantasies

Taboo Phone Sex

little ones phone sex


Have you ever tried little ones phone sex? Yes, I mean the little brats that you know the perverts like? I have they have so many good uses. They can be sold for lots of money, rented out to pay your bills. Just anything that you want. So much fun. I had an excellent experience last month I was late on my rent and could not figure out what to do. It was due the landlord showed up and demanded the rent right then or told me that I needed to move out now.

Pedo phone sex fantasies came true for my landlord just the next day, though. When he showed up and told me that I had to leave now or pay it. When he started yelling and everything about it, the Good little girl ran into the room. I had the most amazing thought in my mind. Could I use my little one to get the rent paid huh? I told my landlord and he instantly agreed he could not resist. He said we need to do this right now.

Now I had to tell my daughter all about the phone sex. I told her to please do everything that he tells her and I would get her a big surprise. She said she would and they walked hand in hand into my bedroom. I could hear my sweetie pie whining but I wanted her to get my rent paid. Within minutes I heard her giggling and that made me smile for sure because then I knew that she was having some fun and my rent was getting paid. I am just happy that now I do not have to pay any of the rent cause my little one does everything to cover it.

little ones phone sex



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