Adult Baby Girl Phone Sex with Miss Latex Mama


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Awwww my poor Adult Baby phone Sex girl l, Mommy knows you have been having such a hard time lately and been weepy and all through the day. That must be why you have been so good doing what I tell you all the time and being Mommy’s little angel. Let’s get you changed out of that Wet Diaper and then Mommy will get you all nice and clean so you can feel all cute and adorable again and we will chase that sadness away.

Open up so mommy can put your cute little My Little Pony Flutter Fly in your mouth. There that should soothe you a bit and keep you happy while I undo the tapes on this wet diaper so we can get you all nice and clean. A nice dusting of powder, once we use the wet wipes, will get you smelling like my angel again. Now into a nice clean diaper and you’re cute my little pony pinkie baby onesie for the night, I think. All nice and cozy I’ll cuddle you in my lap and read you your favorite story as you drift off to sleep.

I know you and I can have so much fun together.

We can get wild and wild together. I really hope that you do not keep me waiting very long. I just hope that you are in your diaper for me and ready to play. Make sure that you have your onesies on and maybe even your pacifier in your mouth please baby! Let’s have some fun! I am hot and ready for you right now! Call me and let me cuddle you and read you your favorite story. Kisses And Hugs my darling little one! Mommy is waiting to have some  Adult Baby Phone Sex fun with you!

Adult Baby Girl Phone Sex with Miss Latex Mama 800 613 1829

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