Seductive Phone Sex withMs. Cockrobber Jilly

My calendar is open, free, and ready to fill in the dates for my Seductive Phone Sex sessions. I am ready to take open calls, and also I am ready to schedule and pencil you in where your cock will fit in best. You’ll need to schedule in advance because the dates get taken really fast, and as a result of procrastination, your cock might be out of luck. I don’t accept walk-ins at all because  I am a very busy woman, and I have a lot of dick to suck. I could be sucking yours too. I have plenty of dates on my calendar that are calling your name.
The appointment times can run for as long as you want them to. There are no limits and no taboos. I am open and down to get as nasty as you want. I love it when the guy exceeds my expectations. I love surprises, I must say. I never know what kind of freak I’m going to come across when I’m having such Nasty Phone Sex.
I’ve taken appointments globally and have met several guys who know exactly what they want. So…Don’t waste my fuckin’ time, either! I’m not in the business of wasting my time. My pussy hates to be given false hope. Why would you ever want to play with a woman like that?
How much of a pussy of a man are you?  If that’s what you’re about, When you request to have your cock teased and fucked by me, you can say farewell to your dick because I’m going to marinade it first with my spit all over it and then eat it for dinner. I’m dying to add you to my Dick Appointment Phone Sex calendar. The dates are available all the way up to December of this year. Let me be your Christmas gift this year. I’ll be very naughty, sit on your lap, and tell you exactly what I want from Santa!!!

Seductive Phone Sex with Ms. Cockrobber Jilly 800 613 1829
