I am a Squirting Phone Sex girl. I cum very quickly, and when I am super excited, I squirt all over the place. A lot of men cannot get a woman to do that but isn’t exactly that hard they just need to concentrate on the woman a little longer and work on getting them off longer. Most the time when I cum my man will the one I am messing with at the time will start by kissing me and sucking on my nipples, actually then usually slides a finger into my ass. That is when I begin to squirt all over him.
I love it when I get to squirt like that it makes my body tremble for hours. Then my boyfriend starts to rub my clit again and I start to moan and groan when I explode again. It’s truly the most amazing time than my boyfriend gives me. Feels good when he loves when he makes me feel like that. I always return the favor too. I always get down on my knees and suck him off like a little cum slut sucking him drive. Don’t get me wrong I love sucking him off. Because I know after he is finished cumming he is going to go right back to make me soaking wet and he’s damn good at that. He always knows the right places to touch and lick and suck.
And I always guarantee the second round of squirting phone sex. So after I make him come he always gets right back down there between my beautiful sexy legs and goes right to town sucking on my clit sliding his fingers back into my ass. Then he goes around and he slides his fingers inside of me and then he would still my body starts to tremble then he reaches up when he squeezes my nipples and pushes his finger deeper into my house until all the sudden if I can squirt all over it’s so hot I can’t wait to have another Squirting Phone Sex fantasy again.