Hey, there, all you Dominant Phone Sex boys! I am demanding that you all call me right now to dominate phone sex. When men call me, I command as well as dominate my expectations. And, of course, all of the attention I desire. I will always get everything I need and desire. I will take whatever means necessary to get the desired results. You, sissy boys and cuckold men had better prepare for some hardcore twisted humiliation phone sex. For all of you men who are really nasty little closet faggots
. I will fuck you real hard with my big nine-inch strap-on cock toy, and by the time I’m done with your man pussy, it will be so sore and red and stretched out. You will definitely be begging and pleading for me to stop. I won’t stop, though; I will stop when I have had enough and am satisfied. And guess what? All that will do is make me a nastier, more wicked bitch. I will punish you severely and give your ass a spanking that will bring you tears when you remember it, but I will laugh the entire time.
I hope you are ready to be tortured.
Torture Phone Sex is also a specialty of mine as well as CBT and cock teasing. I am a true mistress with many twists and turns and many surprises. So all you pathetic weirdos need to watch out. I will soon own your mind, body, and soul while you are on a phone sex call with me. I honestly have no limits and will give you a quality phone sex session that you will not forget. Dial your mistress right now for a fucking good time!
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