Anything Goes Phone Sex with Bridgette Dawn


Bridgette dawn

I am the type of girl, that Anything Goes Phone Sex. I pretty much enjoy being directed, so whatever you tell me to do I will. I know with most men if you just give in to their control, it will make them bust a nut. Do me and you a favor and let your inhibitions run wild. Your mind will be thew all those taboo fantasies, that you have been chasing. Let me know what turns you on, and in return will share in some mutual masturbation.

I know when you call me you already had a fantasy in mind.

I am that younger sister, that you share with all your buddies! And I know you are looking forward to some Bukkake! I truly enjoy being a man’s Sex Slave Phone Sex girl. Being that I am pretty much worthless, well after all I am a girl, not a woman. I think we mostly serve a purpose and that is incest, taboo to our older brothers. I am feeling so loyal and feel a purpose when my brother slaps me into submission.

I consider myself an Incest Phone Sex preparer, getting my other sisters, and girl cousins ready to fuck my brothers and uncles. I have actually come to the point of giving in the more extreme to be the more submissive I feel. As you can see anything that goes phone sex really makes me feel complete, so please yourself, while I pleasure myself. Call this worthless fuck slut. I am always hot, extreme, and very intense. I will have you fucking cumming over and over again because I am your nasty little cum slut. I can never get enough cum. I want yours now in every hole in my body. Now call me so we can get started.

Anything Goes Phone Sex With Bridgette Dawn 1-800-613-1829

anything goes phone sex
