Diaper Lovers Phone Sex with Glenda Mae


diaper lovers phone sex


Well hello, my lovely little adult babies and Diaper Lovers Phone Sex whores! I am so excited to see you again. Nanny has been away for a little bit, and now I’m back to play! I love to roleplay with AB/DL. Come visit my nursery; we’ll have so much fun together!

Nanny’s nursery has everything an Adult Baby Phone Sex boy could ever want – an adult size changing table with wet wipe heater and stocked with both disposable and cloth diapers (oh do I love adding extra inserts to make your bottom super padded); an adult size high chair with a harness to keep all my ABDL safe and secure; there is a rocking chair big enough for both of us for cuddling and story time…and for over the knee spankings when you are naughty! How could I forget my adult baby size locking crib, so babies will be safe and secure…and sometimes punished.

I am so excited to introduce you to my nursery, and I hope you will visit. You can see more about the type of fun we can have. I have so much to teach you about all the things that I do in my nursery. Love teaching men and women about being an adult baby and doing as their nanny or mommy tell them to do. Would like to teach them about how to wear diapers, onesies and so much more. Sometimes when my babies are very good I even allow them to be breastfed. Do you think that you deserve something like that from mommy? Now, why don’t you pick the phone up and call me now and let’s have some ABDL Phone Sex fun! Nanny will be waiting for you right now. Do not hesitate to give me a call I promise you will have a lot of fun with me! I love my diaper lovers!

Adult Baby Phone Sex with Glenda Mae 800 613 1829

diaper lovers phone sex


Adult Babiy Phone Sex with Milfey Rita


Well good morning all my little Adult Baby Phone Sex and diaper lovers! I hope you are staying warm and cozy in your diapers and onesies. What a strange winter it has been…normally Nanny has been out and about, hitting the slopes a few times by now. But with the lack of snow, it means I’ve had to come up with lots of indoor fun to have, for both me and my AB and DLs!

Here in the nursery, we love to play all sorts of games. This weekend, we spent lots of time taking all of the pillows and blankets and stuffed toys from all over the house and we all worked together to build a super cool fort! I didn’t remember to snap any pictures, but here is a super cool fort we want to build next time! Here is a little secret from Nanny. Inside a pillow fort is so quiet and private, the perfect place for your Nanny to show you lots of fun adult games and not caught…it’s one of my favorite places to give super special diaper changes and to show you how you can make Nanny feel special too…

What type of games would you like to have with your Adult Baby Phone Sex Nanny? I’d love to play them with you. Call me now and let me tell you and show you all the games I have in mind for us. I know one where we can both get all dressed up in our cute little diapers and dance around for one another. We will drink lots of water until we both cannot hold our pee anymore. But, whoever pees in their diaper first loses. Are you going to be the loser or am I? Call me now baby!

Adult Baby Phone Sex with Milfey Rita 800 613 1829



Adult Baby Phone Sex with Monique Rae



We were at the mall the other day. My cute little Adult Baby Phone Sex whore and me. You see, I told her we would go and try and dress for her and that she better be on her best behavior if she knows what’s good for her. Well, I had just called the lady over to help us pick out some wonderful new dresses for her to try one when all of the sudden I smelled the smell mommy’s know is a very poopy diaper. I turned my head to look at the little adult baby girl staring at the floor. “Did you just do what I think you just did?” She looks up at me, “no, Mommy.”

I grabbed her little arm and pulled her towards me to do a diaper check and confirm my suspicions. No sooner had I pulled back the plastic panties then I saw the little present she left me in her diaper. “Well, guess you need a diaper change, little missy,” I said loud enough for people to stop and stare at us. My little Adult Baby could have died from embarrassment then and there. Do you need your diaper changed too or for Mommy to take your dress shopping?

See, I knew you needed Mommy to do that. You are very naughty. I will punish you by making you wear a diaper, and then I am going to dress you up and pump you out so you can make mommy all kinds of money. Mommy has spent so much time taking care of you. Don’t you think you should take care of me now, sissy boy? You do not really want to disappoint me, do you? Now call me. Mommy is waiting for you!

Adult Baby Phone Sex with Monique Rae 800 613 1829

adult baby phone sex


Adult Baby Girl Phone Sex with Miss Latex Mama


adult baby girl phone sex


Awwww my poor Adult Baby phone Sex girl l, Mommy knows you have been having such a hard time lately and been weepy and all through the day. That must be why you have been so good doing what I tell you all the time and being Mommy’s little angel. Let’s get you changed out of that Wet Diaper and then Mommy will get you all nice and clean so you can feel all cute and adorable again and we will chase that sadness away.

Open up so mommy can put your cute little My Little Pony Flutter Fly in your mouth. There that should soothe you a bit and keep you happy while I undo the tapes on this wet diaper so we can get you all nice and clean. A nice dusting of powder, once we use the wet wipes, will get you smelling like my angel again. Now into a nice clean diaper and you’re cute my little pony pinkie baby onesie for the night, I think. All nice and cozy I’ll cuddle you in my lap and read you your favorite story as you drift off to sleep.

I know you and I can have so much fun together.

We can get wild and wild together. I really hope that you do not keep me waiting very long. I just hope that you are in your diaper for me and ready to play. Make sure that you have your onesies on and maybe even your pacifier in your mouth please baby! Let’s have some fun! I am hot and ready for you right now! Call me and let me cuddle you and read you your favorite story. Kisses And Hugs my darling little one! Mommy is waiting to have some  Adult Baby Phone Sex fun with you!

Adult Baby Girl Phone Sex with Miss Latex Mama 800 613 1829

adult baby girl phone sex


Diapers Lovers Phone Sex with Goddess Gretchen


diaper lovers phone sex

Diaper Lover’s Phone Sex Girl

Well hello, my lovely little Adult Baby Phone Sex and diaper lovers! I am so excited to see you again. The Goddess has been away for a little bit, and now I’m back to play! I love to roleplay with AB/DL. Come visit my nursery;

we’ll have so much fun together!

Nanny’s nursery has everything an adult baby could ever want – an adult size changing table with wet wipe heater and stocked with both disposable and cloth diapers. Oh, do I love adding extra inserts to make your bottom super padded; an adult size high chair with a harness to keep all my ABDL safe and secure; there is a rocking chair big enough for both of us for cuddling and storytime…and for over the knee spankings when you are naughty! How could I forget my adult baby size locking crib, so babies will be safe and secure…

and sometimes punished.

I am so excited to introduce you to my nursery, and I hope you will visit. You can see more about the type of fun we can have. I have so much to teach you about all the things that I do in my nursery. Love teaching men and women about being an adult baby and doing as their nanny or mommy tell them to do. Would like to teach them about how to wear diapers, onesies and so much more. Sometimes when my babies are very good I even allow them to breastfed. Do you think that you deserve something like that from mommy? Now, why don’t you pick the phone up and call me now and let’s have some fun! Nanny will be waiting for you right now. Do not hesitate to give me a call I promise you will have a lot of fun with me! I love my Diaper  Phone Sex lovers!


diaper lovers phone sex


Adult Baby Phone Sex with Brianna Rose



Brianna Rose


We were at the mall the other day. My cute little Adult Baby Phone Sex and me. You see I told her we were going to go and try and dresses for her, and that she better be on her best behavior if she knows what’s good for her. Well, I had just called the lady over to help us pick out some wonderful new dresses for her to try on when all of a sudden I smelled the smell mommy’s know is a very poopy diaper. I turned my head to look at the little adult baby girl staring at the floor. “Did you just do what I think you just did?” She looks up at me “No Mommy.”

I grabbed her little arm and pulled her towards me so I can do a Diaper Phone Sex check and confirm my suspicions. No sooner had I pulled back the plastic panties than I saw the little present she left me in her diaper. “Well guess you need a diaper change, little missy,” I said loud enough for people to stop and stare at us. My little adult baby girl could have died from embarrassment then and there. Do you need your diaper changed too or for Mommy to take you dress shopping?

See I knew you needed Mommy to do that. You are very naughty I am going to punish you by making you wear a diaper and then I am going to dress you up and pump you out so you can make Mommy all kinds of money. Mommy has spent so much time taking care of you don’t you think you should take care of me now sissy boy? You do not really want to disappoint me, do you? Now call me Mommy is waiting for you!

Adult Baby Phone Sex with Brianna Rose 800 613 1829


adult baby phone sex


Adult Baby Girl Phone Sex with Miss Latex Mama

adult baby girl phone sex


Awwww my poor adult baby girl l, Mommy knows you have been having such a hard time lately and been weepy and all through the day. That must be why you have been so good doing what I tell you all the time and being Mommy’s little angel. Let’s get you changed out of that Wet Diaper and then Mommy will get you all nice and clean so you can feel all cute and adorable again and we will chase that sadness away.

Open up so mommy can put your cute little My Little Pony Fluttershy in your mouth. There that should soothe you a bit and keep you happy while I undo the tapes on this wet diaper so we can get you all nice and clean. A nice dusting of powder, once we use the wet wipes, will get you smelling like my angel again. Now into a nice clean diaper and you’re cute my little pony pinkie baby onesie for the night, I think. All nice and cosy I’ll cuddle you in my lap and read you your favourite story as you drift off to sleep.

I know you and I can have so much fun together. We can get wild and wild together. I really hope that you do not keep me waiting very long. I just hope that you are in your diaper for me and ready to play. Make sure that you have your onesies on and maybe even your pacifier in your mouth please baby! Let’s have some fun! I am hot and ready for you right now! Call me and let me cuddle you and read you your favourite story. Kisses And Hugs my darling little one! Mommy is waiting to have some fun with you!

adult baby girl phone sex


Diaper Lovers Phone Sex with Granny Ruby




Well, hello, my lovely little adult babies and Diaper Phone Sex lovers! I am so excited to see you again. Nanny has been away for a little bit, and now I’m back to play! I love to roleplay with AB/DL. Come visit my nursery; we’ll have so much fun together!

Nanny’s nursery has everything an adult baby could ever want – an adult size changing table with wet wipe heater and stocked with both disposable and cloth diapers (oh, do I love adding extra inserts to make your bottom super padded); an adult size high chair with a harness to keep all my ABDL safe and secure; there is a rocking chair big enough for both of us for cuddling and story time…and for over the knee spankings when you are naughty! How could I forget my adult baby size locking crib, so babies will be safe and secure…and sometimes punished.

I am so excited to introduce you to my Adult Baby nursery, and I hope you will visit. You can see more about the type of fun we can have. I have so much to teach you about all the things that I do in my nursery. Love teaching men and women about being an adult baby and doing as their nanny or mommy tell them to do. Would like to teach them how to wear diapers, onesies, and so much more. Sometimes when my babies are very good, I even allow them to breastfed. Do you think that you deserve something like that from mommy? Now, why don’t you pick the phone up and call me now and let’s have some fun! Nanny will be waiting for you right now. Do not hesitate to give me a call. I promise you will have a lot of fun with me! I love my Diaper  Phone Sex lovers!

Diaper lover Phone Sex with Granny Ruby 800 613 1829

diaper lovers phone sex


Adult Baby Phone Sex Cougar Marianna

taboo phone sex


My Adult Baby Phone Sex whore has been sucking his thumb which I know is not a good habit. He started sucking it when he lost his pacifier one day, but now he has been sucking it almost all the time. My adult baby sucks his thumb when he is tired, while he’s eating, and even while I’m changing his diaper. He basically sucks his thumb all day. When I asked him, before bedtime one night, why he’s been sucking on his thumb so much, he told me that it makes him feel better. He told me that he worries a lot and that sucking his “thumb-thumb makes all the bad thoughts go bye-bye.”


So I thought about it and decided that if it makes him feel better, I’m going to let my little one suck his thumb. I even bought him a little-stuffed animal that also sucks his thumb. He was so happy when I gave it to him. He squeezed it tight and named it “Binky.” I told my ABDL that he could keep sucking his thumb until “Binky” stopped sucking his.


So now at night, we cuddle on the couch while I read him a story, as he holds “Binky” and sucks his thumb loudly with a lot of sucking noise and drool. Seeing my ABDL happy puts a smile on my face. I love when my little adult baby knows how to make mommy happy. I take him to bed so I can read him a little book he likes. Kissing him on the cheek every once in a while until he is fast asleep cuddling up close to mommy and her breasts in his face. Mommy knows just have to make her little one happy, doesn’t she? Call mommy now so she can make you happy.


Adult Baby Phone Sex with Cougar Mariana 800 613 1829

adult baby phone sex


Adult Babies Phone Sex with Karina Markette

Karina Marketta


I know some of you Adult Babies out there are still confused and on the fence about your choice to be a baby, even if it’s only for a little bit of time out of your day. You want it to be more than that, don’t you? You want to be forced to wear diapers, you want the choice completely taken away from you. The option to not wear your diapers would not be possible anymore…you would always be my baby from then on out.

And if you wear diapers like a baby, then it’s only appropriate that you dress like one completely! I would have you in onesies, cute little jumpers, footie pajamas, or if we are just around the house, just a diaper and t-shirt. No need to dress up and pretend like you’re a big boy, now is there? How about you call me for your very own ABDL Phone Sex, and I’ll tell you exactly what I would do to you!

Come on now I know you want to call Mommy and have some fun now. I bet you are already wearing your onesies for me and even have your diaper on, don’t you? Are you seriously making mommy still sit here and wait on you? It is getting old that is all I am saying. Now that you haven’t called I have my paddle out and ready to give you a good hard spanking. Do not dare question why I am doing this to you when you have disobeyed me! Didn’t I tell you that you should already be on the phone with me doing everything I say to you have your bottle in your hand and the diaper on you and call me?

Adult Baby Phone Sex with Karina Marketta 800 613 1829

adult babiesl phone sex
